Ways I've assimilated in Korea

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Living in another country comes with assimilation in some way. There were certain things that Koreans do or Korea has I found weird before coming here, but after living in Korea for some time, I started doing them too. In this post, I'd like to share them with you and see how I've assimilated here after a year and a half.

1. Wearing flip-flops outside (even in winter)

Coming from a cold country implies thinking about how warm it is to wear a certain thing. Therefore, seeing Koreans walking around in their flip-flops without socks in winter made my heart shattered. However, after some time, I started wearing flip-flops in winter myself, even without socks! Never thought I'd do that!

Hope my mum doesn't read this...

2. Online shopping

I can't say that in Russia we don't have online shopping malls - we do! The only thing - it's easier to go to the actual shop because that way you don't have to wait, pay extra if you want a courier delivery, etc. In Korea, they usually deliver everything and leave it at your door, so that you don't have to wait for them to come. Moreover, a lot of stuff can be delivered the next day, which is 10/10! And in general, the online shopping experience in Korea is just the next level, so it's only natural that you start doing it more! 

3. Studying in a cafe

Koreans have a habit of going somewhere to study, and usually, it's a library or a cafe. In Russia, however, everyone studies at home (it has been changing recently, but still the majority doesn't even think about going somewhere to do their homework), that's why studying in a cafe was something new to me. But I adopted it very quickly and absolutely fell in love with it! So now I'm always in a cafe, haha.

4. Paying much attention to the food

It's not a secret to anyone that Koreans + food = ❤️

And I used not to really concentrate on food because what can be so interesting about eating? But then I came to Korea and saw how BIG food here is and how much attention people pay to it. They even have special occasions for different types of food. So, I started paying attention to it as much as Koreans do and now I'm a big foodie ㅋㅋㅋ  

5. Hair rollers in public

I was really surprised when I saw girls wearing hair rollers on the metro, on the bus, in cafes, etc. I'm not going to lie, it did seem strange to me at first, but then I decided to try it myself and realised that it is super convenient! Plus, you get your hair looking perfect by the time you get somewhere. That's why I like it.

Given these points, it's only been three years and a half in Korea for me, but I have already assimilated a bit, some even in unexpected ways! So now I'm curious to see what else is going to change as I stay here longer :)

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로컬 프렌즈(Local Friends)     대표 : 정병민
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통신판매 : 제 2024-서울강동-1375호

주소 :  서울특별시 강동구 올림픽로 610 천호역효성해링턴타운 B동 2층 
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