Learn Korean for free and earn visa points

조회수 355

Hello everyone! 👋

Today I would like to tell you about a programme that provides free Korean classes as well as gives you additional points for certain types of visas (e.g. D-10 and F-2-7).

This programme is called Korea Immigration and Integration Programme, which is often shortened to KIIP (its name in Korean is 사회통합프로그램). 

There are 5 language levels from 0 to 4 where they teach you language, and level 5 where you learn about culture and society. Level 5 is originally designed to get either permanent residency (기본) or for naturalisation (심화). The first part lasts for 70 hours and the second one is additional 30 hours, but is not mandatory.

Here are the reasons why I decided to take it:

  1. This programme is free of charge since it is provided by the immigration office. 💸
  2. Level 5 is mandatory to obtain a permanent residency or a Korean passport, and has perks for other types of visa as well. Plus, I can later get additional 10 points for F-2-7 visa. 💯
  3. I can use it as a proof of language proficiency for immigration instead of TOPIK. 🇰🇷

If you already have some language knowledge, you do not need to start from the beginning. If you have a TOPIK certificate, you can send it to them via email or take a preliminary test and they will assign you to an appropriate level. 

The whole system might seem a bit complicated in the beginning, but don’t worry - you will get used to it very quickly. 

You can always find more information at KIIP website (https://www.socinet.go.kr/soci/main/main.jsp?MENU_TYPE=S_TOP_SY) or ask any questions by calling 1345. 

Good luck!

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로컬 프렌즈(Local Friends)     대표 : 정병민     사업자 등록번호 : 810-08-02793     통신판매 : 제 2024-서울강동-1375호

주소 :  서울특별시 강동구 올림픽로 610 천호역효성해링턴타운 B동 2층    개인정보 관리 책임자 : 정병민

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(월~금) 오전 10:00 ~ 오후 6:00

로컬 프렌즈(Local Friends)는 통신판매중개자로서 거래당사자가 아니며, 호스트가 등록한 상품정보 및 거래에 대해 로컬 프렌즈(Local Friends)는 일체의 책임을 지지 않습니다.

로컬 프렌즈(Local Friends)     대표 : 정병민
사업자 등록번호 : 810-08-02793
통신판매 : 제 2024-서울강동-1375호

주소 :  서울특별시 강동구 올림픽로 610 천호역효성해링턴타운 B동 2층 
개인정보 관리 책임자 : 정병민     대표번호 : 010-3789-8837
유선번호 : 02-488-6880     이메일 : local0.0friends@gmail.com

(월~금) 오전 10:00 ~ 오후 6:00

로컬 프렌즈(Local Friends)는 통신판매중개자로서 거래당사자가 아니며, 호스트가 등록한 상품정보 및 거래에 대해 로컬 프렌즈(Local Friends)는 일체의 책임을 지지 않습니다.

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